Legislation Updates for Virtual Meetings
This article was updated on October 2023.
Months into the pandemic, we’ve just gotten comfy using virtual platforms to host AGMs, SGMs and more. However, as of the Summer of 2021, for BC (& similar situations for Ontario and Alberta), your Community is required to pass a bylaw to continue holding virtual meetings.
Whether you’re a Strata Council or Condo Board Member or an Owner in the community, this blog article will help explain what the new legislation for virtual meetings means for your community and how you can best respond to the changes in British Columbia, Ontario and Alberta.
Table of Contents
What's Happening [+Timeline]
British Columbia
In BC, the current provincial order which allows all communities to hold virtual meetings has been in place since March 18, 2020.
The order was first created as a response to COVID-19. It provided Councils and Property Managers with the ability to navigate the physical distancing requirements throughout the last year while maintaining operations.
The NEW Update: With the introduction of Bill 44, Strata Councils are no longer required to pass a bylaw to approve virtual meetings. BC Strata Councils can now hold both in-person meetings and virtual meetings for the foreseeable future. |
In Alberta, the current provincial order which allows all communities to hold virtual meetings has been in place since March 26, 2021.
The order was first created in response to COVID-19. It provided Condo Boards and Property Managers with the ability to navigate the physical distancing requirements throughout the last year while maintaining operations.
The NEW Update: The original order, which allows all Condo Boards to hold virtual meetings, has been amended to an indefinite end date. |
This means that Condo Boards should pass a bylaw for virtual meetings as soon as possible to continue being able to host virtual meetings with their community in the future.
In Ontario, the newest provincial order extends the ability for communities to hold virtual meetings until September 30, 2022.
This new order builds on the original response to COVID-19 that provided Condo Boards and Property Managers with the ability to navigate the physical distancing requirements throughout the year while maintaining operations.
The NEW Update: Bill 91, Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 amended the Condo Act took effective October 1st, 2023. Condominium Corporations can continue holding meetings and votes virtually without the need to alter their bylaws. |
Why does my Strata Council/Condo Board need to act now?
Here at Tribe, we think this is a crucial step for all communities to take.
Adding this bylaw to your community will allow your Council/Board to...
- Keep your community safe and informed in the face of continued physical distancing. With the uncertainty surrounding the long-term state of COVID-19 and the potential for other challenges in the future, it is important to keep the options open for your community when it comes to hosting virtual meetings.
- Give your community flexibility (now and in the future). Whether it is the pandemic, or members simply wishing to call in from out-of-town or workaround inconvenient meeting times, having the ability to host virtual meetings will offer your Community an advantage in scheduling meetings and getting residents involved.
- Allow you to adhere to new provincial regulations. Time is ticking before virtual meetings will no longer be widely permitted in all Communities. The time is now to get your Council/Board on board with passing a new bylaw to allow for virtual meetings moving forwards.
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Help! What do I have to do?
Pass a bylaw in your community to allow for virtual meetings.
Add this topic to your next meeting agenda and begin the following process in your community to create a new bylaw. It’s important that all your Council/Board Members are aware of this legislation change and that a bylaw is passed in order to prepare your community for the months to come. Don’t miss the deadline!
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We're here to help!
With the new legislation changes in BC, Ontario and Alberta, we are here to help our communities with navigating this important (and crucial) task of passing a bylaw to allow for virtual meetings. At Tribe, we're on a mission to build happier and healthier communities through connection and education and to help Strata Councils succeed.
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Psst...need some tips on running a virtual meeting? Check out our article on 5 Tips for Running Virtual Strata Council Meetings.