Tribe Management Blog

3 Summer “Must-Knows” for Strata/Condo Living

Written by Juan Cifuentes | Jun 28, 2022 9:03:20 PM

The warmer months are upon us. As the weather starts to heat up and dry up, we have 3 tips to help you and your community get through Summer.  

Regular seasonal maintenance on your home will help to maintain its value and appearance, as well as address issues before they become major headaches. Keep reading to find ideas to keep your home cool and your community safe during these summer months.  

1. Know Your BBQ Bylaws 

BBQ season is upon us but remember, not all BBQ bylaws are the same. Some buildings may allow barbeques on patios and balconies, others may not allow them at all, while others still may only allow certain types of BBQs such as Propane.

Check your bylaws before you purchase any equipment and double-check the recommended placement. Clean your older equipment of debris and dirt and keep a fire extinguisher close by in case of an emergency. 

2. Stick to Approved Air Conditioning Units 

There are several different types of air conditioning units on the market to keep your home cool. Know which ones are approved for use in your building or if there are any restrictions on when and where you can use them. 

We have seen communities experience unprecedented heat during the summer months. Even when an air conditioning unit is working at full capacity, it may only be able to cool to a point that is relative to the temperature outside. Simple tips to ensure your air conditioning unit is working efficiently include: 

  • Checking drain lines for blockage 
  • Clean/replace filters  
  • Look out for faulty air conditioning systems that can make a serious dent in your pocket

3. Check Your Summer Patio Furniture 

Wading pools, heat lamps, and other patio furniture that has the potential to cause damage to a building or affect the people around you can not only be a nuisance but an insurance issue.

You may think it is an insta-worthy Tikki Bar, but dilapidated, rotten or broken furniture can cause serious health hazards and pest issues, while noise, lighting and water use can disrupt the community around you and go against building rules. Consult your community bylaws before installing any seasonal furnishings. 

*Note: This includes make-shift sunshades, balcony “swimming pools”, outdoor showers, and the like. 

Something to keep in mind! 

You can easily find your building’s bylaws by logging into Tribe Home and looking in Community Documents (the most commonly viewed section on our community platform). 

Conclusion: Prevention and Consideration are Key 

After reading this article, we hope that you’ve picked up some important “must-dos” for the summer season whether it comes to BBQ use, balcony safety or keeping cool. Our main priority at Tribe is to help keep YOUR community happy and healthy. We treat your homes like they are our own! 


The success of a Community depends on the respectful mindset of its members. Remember to be kind and report any emergency issues as soon as you see them. Below are a few additional reminders to maintain a healthy and happy Community. 

Review Smoking Bylaws.

Adhere to your community bylaws for smoking and vaping regulations. Where smoking is permitted, please dispose of cigarettes or waste in a responsible manner. Secondhand smoke can also be a nuisance and a health hazard, so please be mindful and if you are facing the brunt, make sure you take suitable steps to avoid it seeping into your home. 

Be Mindful of Noise Levels.

Living in a communal residence means being considerate of your surroundings and your neighbours, especially when enjoying the outdoors. Be respectful of any restrictions in place at your building. If you have a noise concern, please submit a Help Desk ticket through your online platform and your Manager will address it in a timely manner.  

Warm weather and garbage don’t mix. 

Not only can it smell unpleasant, but the garbage can also attract wildlife. Be aware of the waste diversion opportunities in your building and take the time to sort your recycling in the appropriate bins. Avoid overfilling any containers to steer clear of spills and messes. 

Pay Attention to Air Quality.

Air quality can often be ignored, but it's important to pay attention to your Carbon monoxide and smoke alarms and replace batteries if required. Dust and/or use a vacuum to clean detector openings.   

If you’re interested in learning ways to keep your home well-maintained this Fall & Spring season visit our blogs: Building Maintenance Tips for your Home, Fall Edition3 Spring “Must-Knows” for Strata/Condo Living