Tribe’s Secrets to Successful Strata Communication
At Tribe, we take communication very seriously. In fact, we feel that communication is the cornerstone of every lasting relationship. That’s why we’re sharing four key communication principles that we hold very close to our hearts.
What does collaboration have to do with communication you ask? It is all about seamlessness and keeping things from falling through the cracks. At Tribe, we use a team model. Multiple people know your building + community. If your Community Manager is away, there is always someone here that can look after you. It takes a Tribe.
It is something we’ve heard countless times from new clients – “By the time I receive my notices, things I need to know have already happened.” Now that is poor communication. With our Tribe Home Community Platform, you can sign in and access your notices, minutes and documents 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“Hello there, nice to meet you!” These might be foreign words to many who have experienced the industry, but we LOVE getting out from behind our desks. You’ll actually see us at your building (gasp!). Our strata managers look forward to seeing you at your property. Whether they are putting up posters about the best way for owners and residents to get important info during a mail strike, meeting with the council, or doing a property walkthrough, you are bound to bump into them.
Knowledge is power and communication is a two-way street. These might be cliché phrases, but they are also spot-on. We'll give you the tools to ensure everyone in your strata community stays informed + knows what is going on. A happy community is a healthy one!
How to find us
When we are managing your building, the best way to reach us is through our bazinga! community platform via direct message or by opening a help desk ticket. These go directly to your manager and start a record of communication.
It’s important to remember that we’re all human of course, and sometimes a manager is going to be unavailable – they might be in a meeting, they could be on another call or on-site speaking face-to-face with a client. We do expect our managers to get back to their clients within a reasonable amount of time.
We stress to our clients that if they are consistently having a difficult time reaching their manager, that is something that we need to know right away.